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TIBERINA AUTOMOTIVE BĚLÁ spol. s r.o. Bělá pod Bezdězem

Metal products Fabricated metal products - manufacture

Firma se zabývá zpracováním kovů pro automobilový průmysl. Výroba dílů pro automobilový průmysl.

+420 326 709 111

A G R O L spol. s r.o. Slavičín

Fabricated metal products - manufacture

AGROL Ltd..- locksmithery-welding work, metal production, sheet metal processing, surface treatment, sand blasting, blasting, custom metal production of agricultural machinery parts. Metalworking for domestic and foreign partners.

+420 775 715 535

FARYJO s.r.o. Boršov nad Vltavou

Fabricated metal products - manufacture

Locksmith company engaged in production and assembly of pergolas, railings, fences, gates, steel structures, and much more.

+420 606 371 706

NC Line a.s. Suchdol nad Odrou

Fabricated metal products - manufacture

We provide laser cutting, perforations, cutting and bending of metal sheets.

+420 731 622 897

METAL WASHERS, spol. s r.o. Spytihněv

Fabricated metal products - manufacture

We are engaged in the production and distribution of fasteners. We also produce a number of special, non-standard drawing parts, the production of which is based on the specific requirements of our customers. In our offer there are more than 2,000 kinds of washers.

+420 577 945 280
+420 604 581 735 (obchod)

REKUPER SYCHROV, s.r.o. Paceřice

Fabricated metal products - manufacture Vzduchotechnika, klimatizace

We are engaged in the production, projection and installation of ventilation units with heat recovery mainly for hall buildings. CNC sheet metal processing - punching, bending and laser cutting. We also make production, design and installation of waste water flow control devices. We also do powder coating ..

+420 482 464 611

KOVOLASER s.r.o. Olomouc

Fabricated metal products - manufacture

sheet metal processing, laser cutting, CNC cutting, 3D cutting and laser welding

+420 588 500 864
+420 603 448 151

ADECO, spol. s r. o. Česká Třebová

Fabricated metal products - manufacture

designing of constructions, technical equipment of buildings, lifting and handling equipment, production of steel structures

+420 465 533 029
+420 731 519 239

STEEL-TECH CZ s.r.o. Jihlava

Fabricated metal products - manufacture

We offer metalwork, metal fabrication, sheet metal processing, mechanical engineering - design, construction, fences, stairs, railings. E-shop operation.

+420 737 359 453

UCB TECHNOMETAL, s.r.o. Chrustenice

Fabricated metal products - manufacture

thick-walled cast-iron cases, fluently cast profiles from grey and shapable cast irons, compensation for cast-iron casts, roughing cut of components to the level of semifinished goods

+420 311 671 320 (sales dpt.)
+420 730 897 400

V O P Dolní Bousov, spol.s.r.o. Dolní Bousov

Fabricated metal products - manufacture

production of mobile flood barriers, roadblocks, repairs, service, inspections, power generators, custom-made production, working

+420 326 396 250 (Statutory Representative)
+420 603 261 191

NOVAPAX CZ s.r.o. Praha

Fabricated metal products - manufacture

We specialize in mirror polishing and repairs of forms, microwaving, laser welding and engraving.

+420 774 709 670