We provide controlled under-boreholes, pressing and micro-tunneling - trenchless technology. We also offer unguided natural ground boreholes.
We offer services in the field of groun work. Seale of paving and curbs. I also offer road transport and paving.
We supply fuel and fire chopped wood, wood briquettes and mulch. We buy wood and forests.
We provide ground and excavation work in Tachov region and we offer trucking and container transport. We also provide - catering for events and sales of soft ice cream.
I provide ground and demolition work. I offer excavation of sewers.
Naše společnost se specializuje na zemní práce a realizace vodních a vodohospodářských staveb, revitalizace vodních toků a výstavbu vodních nádrží. Nabízíme kvalitu, rychlé zpracování zakázky za nízké ceny.
Implementation of ground work with excavator, we remove waste. We transport sand, gravel, concrete and soils, demolition work, containers.