Operation of general practitioner for adults in Třinec.
Surgery of General Practitioner for children and adolescents in Bruntál. Piercing of ears, CRP, urine analyzer, gluco-meter.
Operation of surgery of general practitioner for adults.
Operation of private health care facilities. We provide all services related to health care.
General Practitioner for adults in the village of Rakvice. Equipment of the surgery includes: Glucosemeter, CRP test and INR test.
Provoz ordinace odborného lékaře pro děti a dorost. Nabízíme komplexní péči včetně vyšetření, očkování, kožních testů, nastřelování náušnic a dalších služeb. Specializuji se na obory alergologie a imunologie.
Complete gynecological and prenatal care, counseling in the choice of hormonal contraceptives, introduction of intrauterine contraceptives, treatment of climacteric problems.
Surgery of General Practitioner for adults, Jablonec nad Nisou