CONSTRUCTION: Construction of new houses. Construction of townhouses. Reconstruction of houses and apartments. Construction and renovation of administrative buildings. Construction and reconstruction of smaller industril buildings. Carpentry work.
We offer complete construction services. We provide industrial construction, civil, residential buildings, houses. The services provided also include repairs, reconstructions, electrical installations, painting and other related work.
STABET spol. s r.o. je moderní společnost působící především na území Zlínského kraje. Společnost je díky svým zkušenostem schopna nabídnout komplexní dodávky novostaveb a rekonstrukcí z celého spektra pozemních staveb. Jsme kvalitní a spolehlivá firma.
The range of our production is extensive. It includes finished TEGA garages, technology houses, bathroom kernels, garden houses, sales stalls, mobile offices, family houses, residential cells - empty flats, public toilets, transformer stations and more.
We offer services in the construction industry, especially in Prague and its surroundings, but we provide services according to the concrete demand, throughout whole the Czech Republic. We carry out reconstructions of houses and flats, facade insulation, on which we are certified. We also offer carpentry work.
Our interest is to offer the customer a construction of a family house including activities like: project, implementation documentation, rough construction, window installation, network installation, plaster, tiling. The goal is that the customer should be minimally concerned about the construction.
The company offers carpentry work, turnkey construction and rekoconstructions. Single-family houses, loft conversions. Installation of roof windows, insulation work, thermal insulation. Masonry, masonry and plaster. Laying tiles, tiling work, tinsmithery and roofing. Construction supervision.